Il Mercato Europeo - The European Fair


Community Member
Apr 29, 2013
Have you ever been to any of these fairs?
It's so amazing! There are people coming from all over Europe and, for a few days, in lots of cities in Italy, they organize this fair where they sell their typical products of their countries.
It's either food products, or clothes, or sweets or even china and CDs and jewelry, and it's very, very interesting to see.

This year, I think the next one is in Novarra, it'll be from april 24th ro april 28th, so if you're in the area by any chance, you should go visit this fair :)
I have been to two of them, I find them fascinating!
However, the prices are a little steep, but it's understandable, since no one is really buying anything :(
I like to look at everything and admire the "foreign stuff" they bring over here.
Personally, my favorite 'attraction' is the coconut biscotti someone makes and sells over there, they are not expensive and they are so good! A bit to sweet for my taste, but it's worth it! I buy them every year :)
This is a tradition in some cities of Italy, it's been going on for almost 10 years, or more, I don't know.
These people with their merchandise travel from city to city, I don't know if this is their lives or if they come to Italy for a few weeks every year..
But it's very interesting to see what other cultures have to offer :) Of course, it's just a few countries from Europe, it's not really a complete European fair, more like half of Europe :D
This is so amazing. I have always wished to visit one of these, but there's never enough time, something always comes up, and they can be very expensive if you're far away, which I am. Organising everything takes a lot of effort, time and money. I have also wished to visit the Medieval Fairs. They are also quite popular all over the Europe and I bet they look spectacular. History has always been my weak-spot, I guess.
I haven't been to any medieval fairs over here :) Can you offer more details? Do they organize them in all cities, like the European Fair?

By the way, I went to see the European Fair this year, it was nice but the prices.. yikes :P
Some friends were planning on getting together to have some dinner over there but everything was so expensive!
However, if anyone plans on visiting the fair on the last day, they might just drop the prices a bit. It's what they did last year, so I find this to be a very good tip :)

I can't find a calendar with these european markets though. They organize them all over Italy, each year, but I think each city has their own schedule on their own city website.. (the website of the comune). Aurelia, maybe try to google "mercato europeo + your city", maybe you can see when it is usually held.
Last year I know there was one in Germany. I am not sure for this year. There was some mention about it being held in Croatia as well, but I am not really certain. The ''hotspot'' for the next year is Denmark. and more information about it can be found also here:
This one in Denmark is an official European fair and one of the greatest. The city of Horsens has been holding these fairs for years. They are more festivals than fairs, true, but there's also exchange of goods, so... And I have read somewhere you can try the ''original'' food - at least they prepare the dishes using the original recipes. France is also a yearly participant - there's Provins Medieval Festival (information here: ). They too offer souvenirs, show crafts of the old, various games and attractions.

And here's Italy: Monteriggioni - and Tuscany -
I believe these too are held yearly. Hopefully, you'll be able to attend one of these. So many links, I know. You don't have to check them all out. I just put everything I could find, hoping it may be useful.