White Or Red Wine?

I think the best thing about wine is that there is so much variety and it’s a question of choosing the best wine for the type of food that you are eating.
In general, I am not keen on white wine. That said, white wine goes well with fish and red wine goes well with meat.
I am a non-drinker, so for me it's really simple. :) Many years ago, when I was still drinking alcohol, I used to enjoy a glass of Lambrusco at the end of a hard working day. The sweetness of the wine always put me in a jovial mood while my burdens just melted away and I would drift off into a wonderful state of doziness. But that's a long time ago now. These days I prefer coffee. :)
I definitely prefer white wines, since I prefer a sweeter taste. I always go for Muscato or Reisling. I have recently discovered a few red wines that have distinctive tastes of chocolate and fruit that are very good, but I still prefer to order white.
I... never knew that if you did not finish the half or quarter wine, they estimated the cost. Huh. I always just drank it all...!

I usually take a white vino della casa. I'm not too picky on this. I tend to prefer sweet wine myself too (Riesling is great, Germans really got this down proper!) but I never had a bad experience with whatever the house had. It's refreshing. For those wanting something sweet in Italy -- everybody mentions dessert wines, you should consider a bottle of sparkling. I loved buying some Asti every now and then! So nice and sweet!
These past Holidays I got the chance to taste a few types of wine, a glass here, a glass there :P Anyway, I noticed that the best wine is actually... homemade!

I know homemade wine is not accessible to everyone, but it is among the best I ever had :)
My boyfriend knows someone at work who has a vineyard, we've only had wine from that guy once. It was red and a bit dry, but you could taste the grapes, it was very flavored.
And these past few weeks, I've tasted home made wine again. It was really tasty, very flavored and not too strong either.

I'm not sure where a person can ask for home made wine though... it's not like these people sell it, they don't make hundreds of bottles, but if you ever have the chance to have home made Italia wine, take advantage of it! :D
Red, I don't drink but I do use wine for cooking occasionally. I find myself using Red more than white (though I use both) and feel like it gives more flavor to the dishes than what white does.
^ Hmm, I've never used wine for cooking before. I should definitely start doing it :P
I've eaten a lot of foods cooked (by others) with wine and I liked the taste, and the alcohol is never a problem, since it evaporates really quickly.

Also, the reason I'm replying here again is I have found the perfect wine! (store bought). It's a white wine, called Malvasia. It's sweet, but not too sweet! (like, the Fragolino. The Fragolino is excessively sweet, it's almost gross, I don't know how people drink it regularly). And it's just a little bit bubbly, not too bubbly, like champagne, but just the right amount to pinch the tongue :P
I've had it at my friends' house, thanked them a million times for making me drink wine :D haha!
Red wine is always the best choice. It has excellent health benefits. I enjoy the rich flavor. I don't drink wine that often. I always choose red when my wife and I enjoy a nice dinner together. I also enjoy red wine with a nice meaty steak.
I actually do not drink at all, but when I did, I preferred red wine. I honestly don't think the taste is what made me prefer it, which sounds terrible...But I just love how elegant and classy red wine looks. It just looks so much more rich and hearty to me. I used to have a glass to wind down before I got pregnant. It helped me relax before bed. To be fair, I have only tried a glass or two of various white wines, so I probably did not give them a fair chance in the game!
I'm not a very big wine drinker myself, but I have always preferred white wine over red wine. White wine is usually not as bitter, I don't think. I am not big on bitter things in general really, so red wine is kind of a huge no. :oops: Red wine looks very nice in the glass though! :)
I think it depends on my meal. If I am having fish or a lighter meal I tend to go with white. However, when I am eating heavier meal, pasta or a lot of meat I go with red. I definitely feel red faster then I feel white. I can have less glasses of red wine then I can white wine.

However, if I go out and order a glass of wine I am usually indifferent and will order whatever is on happy hour special.
I don't drink any alcohol now, but when I did I preferred a nice white wine, because red wine gave me a headache. I understand that's fairly common and it has its own acronym which is RWH syndrome -- red wine headache. One thing wine always did was give me a very red flushed face.

My favorite wine was Chardonnais Napa Valley Chardonnay.
I'm not really a wine lover to be honest but I will have a glass with a meal on the odd occasions.

Of the two, I prefer white wine usually but depending on what I'm having to eat I do think that red wine compliments some dishes better.
Rеd Winе is BY FАR thе bеst fоr yоu. Rеd winе соntаins Pоlyphеnоls . Sсiеntists hаvе bееn studying thе "Frеnсh Pаrаdоx" fоr yеаrs (rеgulаr аlсоhоl соnsumptiоn аs pаrt оf а hеаlthy lifеstylе) аnd hаvе соnсludеd thаt drinking rеd winе in mоdеrаtiоn is gооd fоr thе hеаrt, thе brаin, аnd mаny оthеr things. Thе kеy is mоdеrаtiоn.
Rеd Winе is BY FАR thе bеst fоr yоu. Rеd winе соntаins Pоlyphеnоls . Sсiеntists hаvе bееn studying thе "Frеnсh Pаrаdоx" fоr yеаrs (rеgulаr аlсоhоl соnsumptiоn аs pаrt оf а hеаlthy lifеstylе) аnd hаvе соnсludеd thаt drinking rеd winе in mоdеrаtiоn is gооd fоr thе hеаrt, thе brаin, аnd mаny оthеr things. Thе kеy is mоdеrаtiоn.

Whitе winеs just dоn't hаvе thе sаmе bеnеfits аs rеd winеs еxсеpt fоr оnе thing: mоst tеnd tо bе lоwеr аlсоhоl. Thе lоwеr аlсоhоl in sоmе whitе winеs (lеss thаn 12%) соuld bе thе оnе rеdееming trаit оf whitе winе. It mеаns by drinking а glаss оf dry whitе winе yоu аrе tесhniсаlly tаking in lеss саlоriеs.
Whilе studiеs hаvе shоwn thаt а mоdеrаtе аmоunt оf аlсоhоl, еspесiаlly frоm winе, is gооd fоr yоur bоdy, thе bulk оf thе nоn-аlсоhоl hеаlth bеnеfits оf winе соmе frоm thе rеd grаpе skins аs it соntаins а сhеmiсlе саllеd rеsvеrаtrоl.
Rеd winеs аrе mаdе by сrushing juiсе оf grаpеs аnd thеn lеtting thе juiсе аnd thе skins оf thе grаpеs sоаk tоgеthеr tо сrеаtе thе rеd соlоr (it is pоssiblе tо mаkе whitе winе with rеd grаpеs - сhаmpаgnе bеing thе mоst fаmоus аs а mаjоr grаpе in thе rеgiоn is Pinоt Nоir). This prосеss аlsо givеs thе winе tаnnins, bоdy, аnd flаvоrs.
а gеnеrаl rulе is thе thiсkеr аnd dаrkеr thе skin оf thе grаpе thе mоrе rеsvеrаtrоl it will соntаin. Thе king оf tаnnin аnd think skin is а grаpе саllеd Tаnnаt thаt is quiсkly bесоming fаmоus in Uruguаy winеmаking. Thеrе аrе аlsо sоmе саlifоrniа vinеyаrds grоwing it.
My favorite wine is white, I usually buy the "Gallo Family Moscato," it's a light bodied, sweet but not overly sweet White Wine, with hints of citrus, peach and honey flavors. We like to eat a little spicy in our house, and this Wine is the perfect pairing for spicy meals.
Haven't tasted white wine yet but my mom told me that the one that she tasted was somewhat sweet. I tried red wine a few times and I like it, I just can't consume a lot of it because it will make me feel nauseous and dizzy. I wonder how a white wine tastes because I think there are many types of white wine which you can't tell by just it's aroma.