What Is The Most Attractive Place You Have Been To?


Community Member
Jul 7, 2013
What setting in Italy have you visited has been the most beautiful? What drew you to that place and how did visit it make you feel? Did you visit this place multiple times? Did you tell any of your friends or family to visit this place? Lots of questions, hope to get some answers!
Well, I've been living in Italy for 5 years but, honestly, I haven't visited much of it.

To answer some of your questions, what makes me want to visit a place are the pictures I see on the web. Sometimes I also see some of my friends' or colleagues' pictures from their vacations and I immediately get a feeling of "I have to go there someday!".

Among the few places I have been, the most beautiful one was the city of Genoa. It may not be among the most famous cities of Italy but to me Genoa represents perfection: seaside + mountains. I've only been there once though.
For me one of them has to be the Cinque Terre. The small towns by the sea and the beautiful landscape left me with a really positive impression.

I have visited many places in Italy and its very hard to name one place as there are so many beautiful places to visit.

Each have their own beauties be it in the mountains, by the sea, by the lake or in a historic city.
I've only been to Venice, but it was lovely - unfortunately one day there was a massive thunderstorm so the canals has overflown and we had to traipse through water about a foot high, but that's water-based cities for you I guess. ;) I'd love to go back again - I went there as an art trip when I was at school so most of our days were based around visiting galleries and sketching. I'd like to see what else the city has to offer!

I'll hopefully be visiting Bologna some time over the next year or so as one of my best friends is studying abroad there for a year and turns out I can get flights from Scotland for very cheap! :D I can't wait, I've heard it's beautiful there. I'd quite like to go in December so I can see how Christmas is done in Italy - go to markets and such to buy my friends and family unusual presents!
The Amalfi coast in Italy is by far my favourite place in Italy and maybe even in Europe. I spent most of my time in the town of Sorrento, the town is located right on the sea and is on a very steep incline. Orange trees are on the side of the road which make the entire town smell lovely! I fell in love! As a tourist, trekking up and down the streets exhausted me, but I saw older women with huge basket of oranges facing the hill with no problem.
I have been there a couple times since, and I still love it just as much as I did the first time. I always try to bring new people with me so they can experience the beauty of the place alongside with me.
It isn't as Americanised, so having a basic understanding of italian is very useful. I hope I can inspire more people to visit!
I think the city of Venice is a place one simply has to see when visiting Italy. The bus boats on the main canal and the sight of gondoliers must be experienced in person. There are many sidewalks with charming shops, and not many people can resist Venice’s delicious ice cream.
Ok, so now I can say I've been to Genoa twice....
I went to the beach yesterday and I ended up in Genoa by mistake.

I decided to go to Chiavari (quite a beautiful place, by the way) and as I returned home, instead of taking the right highway I ended up in Genoa (stupid TomTom lost the signal under all those tunnels).

So, my GPS navigator decided to "drop dead" and stay that way for about one hour, in which I had the chance to drive around on the streets of Genoa :D I can honestly say it still is BEAUTIFUL. All those colored houses on the mountain, the sea, the port... Just beautiful!
Rosie, say no more! I am utterly and totally convinced to go to Genoa during my next visit to Italy. It sounds like the perfect place for me to stay over for a few days. I love the sea and can't wait to look around for the colored houses on the mountain! I am sure it must be picture perfect!
I live in Europe which makes it fairly easy for me to travel to Italy. I travel a lot, but I always come back to my one, true love-Italy. I like Rome for its museums and for the Vatican. The Sixtine Chapel made me cry the first time I saw it, it`s like a dream come true. I`ve always wanted to see it and now I can`t wait to revisit it someday . I have also gone to Venice during the carnival and I bought a mask that is hung above the fireplace and I always look at it whenever I`m in the room. I`ve spent some unforgettable times with my sweetheart in Venice. I think that Venice is the most beautiful setting in Italy.