What Do You Think About Nutella?

I lоvе it
I guеss саusе it hаs а riсh соmbо оf twо mаin things thаt humаns аrе hаrdwirеd tо likе sugаr аnd fаt. Whеn yоu givе yоur bоdy thоsе substаnсеs, Dоpаminе is rеlеаsеd whiсh mаkеs yоu fееl gооd аbоut it.
Well sure enough I have tried it since I last came here, and it was pretty okay and decent. It is what I expected, and I am not really a fan of spreads all that much to begin with, but I did like it more than some other options.
Oh my god! Nutella is the eighth wonder of the world. Me and my girfriend ate two bowl of nutella in a hour. However, after we had a strong bellyache. I think Nutella is excellent, but we must eat with moderation. Otherwise, we gain weight quickly and our health will be the worse.