What Do You Like Most About Italy?


Community Member
Apr 6, 2013
For those of you who have visited Italy over the years, what do you like most about the country?

Is it the people? Many say Italians are cheap and rude and always look after short skirts, but if you visited Italy at least once, you know that's not entirely true :)
Is it the weather? It's always warmer in Italy than in other parts of Europe.
The food? The landscape?
For me it has to be the landscape and weather. There are some really spectacular sceneries in Italy and what ever part of the country you visit you are never too far away from something interesting.

The weather in Italy during the summer months can become very hot making it the perfect place for a relaxing holiday by the sea.

I also like the fact that during the warmer months there are always lots of local outdoor events taking place.

Italian food and wine speaks for itself so no need to explain myself there.

Of course, Italy is not all about summer as the country has many mountains, there are plenty of ski slopes and other winter type sports that one can do.
Apart from the weather, the people, the food and the landscape, I love Italy's history. The country is so diverse, but what makes me come back every time is the numerous historical siteus.

I also seem to keep going back to Venice. The small streets, the romantic canals, the Venetian masks, the whole city feels magical :)
I also seem to keep going back to Venice. The small streets, the romantic canals, the Venetian masks, the whole city feels magical :)

Hmm... I've never been to Venice before, maybe I'll pay this city a visit soon, everyone keeps saying how nice it is, I have to see for myself! :D

I, like Chillout, love the landscape. I remember the first time I visited lake Garda, I almost had tears in my eyes from all the beauty! This country is so amazing and beautiful, I'm sorry I won't live a thousand years to see it all :p

I also like the fact that during the warmer months there are always lots of local outdoor events taking place.

This is something I have a different opinion on :D
All the outdoor events give me a headache, because I live in the center of the city and every single event is right under my window! Gets annoying after a while! :D
Apart from the weather, the people, the food and the landscape, I love Italy's history. The country is so diverse, but what makes me come back every time is the numerous historical siteus.

I also seem to keep going back to Venice. The small streets, the romantic canals, the Venetian masks, the whole city feels magical :)

I am going Venice for the first time in the summer and I'm looking really forward to it!

I am a bit biased here but the Italian culture for me is the best in the world, so many good things all rolled up into one. Food, Drink, Landscape and amazing women. ;)
I love Rome! That's the main reason I wanted to go to Italy and my dream was fulfilled. It's so surreal being in that place where my beliefs come from. We spent only a few days there and I wish to be able to come back. It was good to be able to attend the Papal mass as well.

I love the people in Italy as well. I think everyone just looks gorgeous! They are also friendly.
You know, this is something many people have noticed, how Italians look good and are very elegant :) They're also very thin, compared to other nations where obesity is a problem.

Back on topic, forgot to mention the food. You can't come to Italy and not love the food!
It's true that it's very different from food in other cultures (for instance, food back home is a lot more salty than Italian food, whenever I visit my home country I have to get re-accustomed to the taste..).
What I like the most - pizza. Italians make the best pizza, only few ingredients are enough to prepare a delicious meal! Even my relatives agree, and they have had plenty of pizza in their lifetime, but even they say that Italian pizza is by far the best.
When I visited Italy, the thing I loved the most was all of the amazing architecture. I couldn't believe how gorgeous all of the buildings were. It didn't seem to matter where I was, there was always a beautiful building to look at. Back home in Canada I miss all that beauty being around me all the time!
It's true, the architecture in Italy is amazing. Not only the narrow streets, but all the buildings have something special.

It's one of the things that make Italy unique.
I think there are so many medieval and ancient buildings in Italy and they had the inspiration to take care of them and preserve them. Not many countries did this.
Of course, I have also seen many buildings that fall apart :( which is sad, but nothing can last forever.
I love how serene Italy is. I love their food and their warm people. But I definitely fell in love with their food. I mean I have experienced there the most authentic Italian spaghetti and it felt like heaven for me!
I love the warmth of the people and their sense of family. When I visit northern Italy, where I have extended family members they always go out of their way to treat me like a princess, even when my Italian isn't that great and they don't speak much English. Well.. the older generation don't but the younger family members do. ;)
You have family in Italy, yet you don't speak the same language? That is so interesting :) And also very, very nice of them to treat you like a princess :D

I noticed this too, they are very kind to people, regardless if they're Italians or foreigners, they will always try to help you because that's just how they are!

I remember when I first moved here I thought people would be hostile because, you know, I'm not one of them and I'd have to gain their respect but no, they were nice to me from the start. :)
I love Italy, it's my favourite place to go on holiday. In fact, I can hardly imagine wanting to go anywhere else. What do I love most? Take your pick from..
Amazing architecture, magnificent cities and beautiful hill towns, piazzas, wonderful and varied landscapes, culture, art, fabulous produce, fresh and simple food with superb fresh ingredients, an amazing variety of unique and delicious wines, the best coffee, warm and friendly people with elegant style, great climate, lovely language, relaxed lifestyle, so much history. Maybe most of all, the lovely atmosphere in the evenings, especially in the piazzas, with lots of people around of all ages, and no loud drunkenness, hostility or trouble like we have in UK cities
The landscape and sense of history is what I love about Italy. Food and clothes, are amazing, but you can get them abroad, but you can't savor the atmosphere. The way of life does take some adapting to, but it's more relaxed and once you understand the customs and traditions it's easy to blend into the lifestyle.
I love the landscape, the people and the food the most about Italy. Every time I have a chance to take a vacation I always visit a new part of Italy as I am determined to say I have visited all the large cities. The food is to die for. Yes you can make Italian food here in Canada but it just isn't the same as being in the actual country. Every single time I have visited Italy every person I met was wonderful, helpful and friendly. I love the people of Italy and one day I would LOVE to move there!
I was able to visit Rome for a short time last year.

For me, one of the most beautiful things I have experienced there is the devotion they have for Catholicism. It is widespread, that even Catholics from around the world make it a point to visit The Vatican at least once in their lives.

Second is the food, of course. I absolutely love Pasta Bolognese and anything that is Pesto. There would be no other country where one would be able to taste the most authentic recipes for these dishes.

Last but not the least is the weather; Mediterranean heat during summer. Nothing seems more perfect than looking up to a bright blue sky while walking the streets of Italy.
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I would absolutely have to say the food. I wish the food in America was really appreciated like it is in Italy. It is so rich and elegant. It seems as though they take their time cooking. We are all about the rush. What can we get that's quick and easy. I love food with purpose.