Transport strike this weekend


Community Member
Sep 10, 2007
Mantova, Italy
Transport strike this weekend

This weekend there will be a national transport strike which will effect, trains flights and local bus services.

I'm sure there will be more detailed information nearer to the time but be warned for anyone planning to travel in Italy this weekend.
Re: Transport strike this weekend


My Sister and her family are due to fly out to E.R. (via Milano-Malpensa) on the 18th July, and my folks who are already over there are hearing rumours about an airport strike of some kind on or about the same date. :unsure:

Just wondering if you might have picked up any details about this latest round of strikes?:)

Cheers, Peter.
Re: Transport strike this weekend

I'm not aware of any strikes in Lombardia (Milano) but i'm in the area so if i hear of anything i let you know.

There are plans of some stikes in Rome on that day. Below is the story (in Italian but i know you understand)

Differiti al 18 luglio dal 7 gli sciopero nel trasporto aereo proclamati da Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti e Ugltrasporti. La decisione e' stata presa accogliendo l'invito della Commissione di Garanzia. Per il 18 luglio sono confermate le modalita' dello sciopero, 4 ore dalle 12 alle 16,dei piloti Airone.Ridotti da 24 ad 8 ore,dalle 10 alle 18,gli scioperi di assistenti di volo Airone e di piloti ed assistenti di volo Airone City Liner e quello degli assistenti di volo EuroFly.