Italian Museums - Not Visited By Locals


Community Member
Apr 29, 2013
I've recently heard that locals don't really visit their own museums, they know they have them in their cities but they don't really go inside.
Tourists can hardly wait to visit a famous museum in Rome, Milan etc., while residents simply pass them by. Is this your case too? Do you visit museums in your own town ?
Quite true, but here in Rome, for instance, we use to go with the school, as child and teenagers, in museums and historic places as long as we study history. But the places are too many, it would take 100 lives to know and see everything. Every corner has its story. Just watching ruins without studying about the history wouldn't be so deep.
Yes, it's true, residents rarely visit their own museums. I guess it's a psychological thing, you already live there so you have plenty of time to visit the museum that's 10 minutes away from you.

Just like patrizio though, I used to go on field trips with the school too. I loved them!
First of all, they were an occasion to skip classes which were sometimes boring, let's face it. But after you saw all those interesting artifacts inside the museums we visited, history and geography didn't seem so boring anymore. It's like chemistry, experiments are ALWAYS catching your attention.

So, I did visit some of the museums in my home town. Not all of them, and I only went there once, with my classmates, but I still remember how the inside of those museums look like.
This is very true and I am one of them. I have never been to a local museum. Not because I don't want too, but it's something that I always overlook. I have visited all of the important sights from the outside but never entered one.