How Bad Is Traffic In Italy?


New Member
Oct 28, 2010
I have heard from some friends and relatives who have been to Italy that the traffic on the roads is pretty bad over there, and I was just wondering how true this was?

The traffic in the U.S is really bad afterall, and I was just wondering how Italy would compare to that.
It all depends on what kind or roads you want to compare. I have always found the Italian motorways to be reasonable. On certain days and certain times lorry's are banned from using them unless they have special permission. These bans are usually at the weekend and during peak holiday travel days.

Most big cities have some kind of traffic control system where you are not allowed to enter the centre unless you are a resident. I have a friend who lives in the centre of Milan and even being a resident there you can only use your car on certain days. All numbers plates contain even or odd numbers in It. Depending if your car registration numbers are odd or even you need to check what days you are allowed to drive.
Traffic in Rome is a nightmare. A few years ago they even made a song about it. If your ever in Rome do not attempt to drive. Use public transport its much quicker and you dont have to spend hours trying to find a parking space.

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My hubby and I went through a tour group to Italy, and it was pretty funny watching our huge bus crowd the narrow roadways in downtown Florence. It would back up traffic with honks when loading and unloading people!
I think the perception will depend from which country you've been. I've been in Manila and Bangkok and got stuck in the traffic jam for hours. I just visited Rome with hubby and we only had a couple hours to roam the city. We got back to the airport about an hour before we boarded our connecting flight to Sicily. If you take the bus probably it's worse but they have a metro which is very cheap 1 euro/trip and it's pretty good.
We went a tour to Italy.Driving in Italy is funny. Narrow two lane roads wind through vineyards, forest areas, stretches of patchwork fields and charming towns.Italy is very nice country for travel.
I can't drive anyway and my husband doesn't like driving in another country so we'd likely take public transport when we visit. I've seen a few hairpin bends with no fences and a long drop over the side that look scary!
I hate driving in Italy. I tried it twice while I was studying abroad and thought I was going to die! It's not that Italians drive crazy, it's just that the roads are so narrow and the cars are really small. When you are bumper to bumper in what feels like a tin can (compared to the monster trucks we drive in America) it can be super scary. I take public transportation when I can. Most towns in Italy are very walkable, so I also just bring good walking shoes with me.
Italians really are crazy drivers but after living here you kind of get used to it! The further south you go, the worse it becomes! I have actually found myself learning the bad habits of not using an indicator when turning, U turns in the middle of road and many more.

Public transport is still cheap and a great way to get around. Just allow a bit more time to get to your destination as delays are normal.
I hate driving in Italy. I tried it twice while I was studying abroad and thought I was going to die! It's not that Italians drive crazy, it's just that the roads are so narrow and the cars are really small. When you are bumper to bumper in what feels like a tin can (compared to the monster trucks we drive in America) it can be super scary. I take public transportation when I can. Most towns in Italy are very walkable, so I also just bring good walking shoes with me.

This one made me laugh, 'I thought I was going to die!" That would be me! By the sounds of these posts, I would not even attempt driving in Italy. I get nervous when it gets a little hairy on the road in normal traffic. Good tips for people like me, better to use public transport or walk.
Having lived in Turkey and India, I'd say Italy isn't so bad, even Rome at rush hour isn't as bad as Istanbul.
I've driven in France but I wouldn't drive to Paris because of the amount of traffic on the ring road. I don't even like driving in London or on the M25 so I can't see me managing on the Italian roads!
I knew that Italians have this bad drivers reputation long before I came to live here but as it turns out, if you don't drive in very crowded areas, the traffic is quite OK. There's the occasional woman who puts on her makeup while driving or the occasional old man who goes round the roundabout in the opposite direction, but overall it's pretty normal :D
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