Has post 9/11 security made travel in Italy more or less secure?


Community Member
May 24, 2009
Has post 9/11 security made travel in Italy more or less secure?

Considering that there have been incidents of terrorism in Italy in the past, particularly when the Red Brigades were active, and given the proximity of the country to the Middle East and North Africa, I was wondering if the security measures undertaken by many nations in Europe and elsewhere have made travel in la bella Italia more or less secure?
Re: Has post 9/11 security made travel in Italy more or less secure?

I fly usually twice a year domestically in Italy and at least one international flight every year and have seen the screening processes at airports become tighter. However, security was tight even before 9/11.
Re: Has post 9/11 security made travel in Italy more or less secure?

Was it tightened as a result of the Achille Lauro incident? I remember that from when I was in college. I hear that the Carabinieri are pretty good at anti-terrorism stuff, though.