

Oct 17, 2010
Genoa is the sixth largest city in Italy, the capital of Liguria and one of Europe's largest cities on the Mediterranean Sea. It has been nicknamed "the Suberb one" or "la Superba", in Italian, because it's a very beautiful city and has incredible landmarks tourists come to visit every year.

Genoa is not only an incredible city, but it's also an important one since it's the birthplace of Christopher Columbus, who played an important part the exploration of the New World. Overall, the city had a glorious past and has become the 2004 European Capital of Culture.

The city of Genoa, situated right between the Ligurian Sea and the Apennine Mountains, stretches along 30 km. of sea coast and is divided into 5 regions: the west, the east, the centre, the Polcevera and the Bisagno Valley. All of them gather many tourists every year because of the incredible landmarks that can be visited.

For instance, the Passeggiata Anita Garibaldi is one of the most important touristic attractions of the city. It's a wonderful 2 km walkway along the cliffs. Then, there are the Palazzi dei Rolli, a group of palaces that are a must see if you ever visit Genoa. If you have time to take long walks, you shouldn't miss the Boccadasse neighborhood, it's breathtakingly beautiful. A simple walk on the Corso Italia can turn your vacation into an unforgettable experience as well, since you will be walking on one of the main roads of this city which has a spectacular view.

Other landmarks in the city include some places of worship. St. Lawrence Cathedral, seat of the archbishop of Genoa, is one of the most beautiful ones in Italy. So is the Basilica of Santa Maria de Castello.

The 2 important symbols of these city are the Lighthouse, or the "Lanterna" and the fountain of Piazza de Ferrari, situated right in the heart of the city, where several historical buildings are situated: The Palace of the Doges, the headquarters of the Ligurian Region, the palace of the Ligurian Academy of Fine Arts and the palace of the Duke of Galliera, Raffaele De Ferrari, to whom the square is dedicated.

Of course, you can't visit Genoa without visiting the famous "Acquario di Genova", second largest aquarium in Europe and home for aquatic creatures of all sizes , or the Biosphere, home for exotic birds and butterflies.
Right next to the aquarium, you can go explore the pirate ship built especially for the film "Pirates", in 1986, and see how it was like to be a Genoese pirate in the 17th century, or you could explore the famous parks and gardens such as the Villetta Di Negro, The Park of Nevi or the gardens of the Villa Durazzo Pallavicini, which are opened to the public all year long.

Genoa is also an important art centre, with frescoes, sculptures, paintings and other important works of art being shown to the public in the many museums, villas, art galleries and churches within the city.

Overall, Genoa is definitely worth visiting, if you're up to having a unique experience in Italy's largest seaport.
I have been to Genoa this December :) My sister came to visit, with my brother-in-law and I thought it was time they visited Italy the right way! :)

So we went to the aquarium and walked a bit around the city.
My sister and brother in law were so amazed!
We took the train there, since we thought driving would be tiring, and we walked our butts off in that city! :)
They were so thrilled when seeing Genoa, they put it on their "most beautiful cities" list.
Also, we visited the aquarim and it's just as amazing as when I visited it 5 years ago.

So, if anyone wants to visit Genoa, do it! It's amazing! Totally worth it :)
I have heard many people speak highly of the aquarium in Genova. A lot of people say that it's worth taking the train too as Genova can be a bit of a nightmare when it comes to parking.
Well.. that's true. And not only parking is hard to find, but your way out as well, Genoa is freakishly huge!

Last year (last summer actually) I went to the seaside and, coming home after a day at the beach I was kinda tired and accidentally took the wrong exit on the highway and ended up in Genoa (don't ask... I'd get lost in my own neighborhood if I'm distracted for one second).

Due to the fact the tom-tom lost it's signal on the highway (it goes through the mountains, so signal got lost after a while), I tried to find the way out of Genoa to go home, but there were no indicators to main cities, most people I asked for directions were tourists, so I ended up going in circles :cool:

It was fun though, it was worth seeing Genoa while driving around like a mad person desperately trying to figure out which way to go :D