Difficulty Of Learning Italian

Just listening to other people speak their native tongue, French seems to sound amazingly hard compared to Italian. Maybe it's just me but if you're ever planning on going to another country, it's good to learn some basic words.
I think Italian is not too difficult to pick up, compared to some world languages. I feel like the sentence structure is very natural. I read this article a while ago which has an interesting infographic about the world languages and difficulty of picking them up.


I think because there are a lot of words with similarities to English, and you're not having to learn an entire new alphabet or writing style, it's also easier to pick up.
Just listening to other people speak their native tongue, French seems to sound amazingly hard compared to Italian. Maybe it's just me but if you're ever planning on going to another country, it's good to learn some basic words.

Just so you know, French grammar is much more harder than Italian, they've got so much more depth to it it's mind blowing. While in my early days in Romania, we've been taught French at a young age and I didn't really like it. I'm still avoiding it in my days haha
There is of course a big difference if you are living in Italy and learning the language then learning it while living in another country. But nevertheless it is a very beautiful language. My wife knows already speaking Italian very well and she starts this year by studying this language to be teacher for Italian and German. We well see how she will do it and if there is really a longer trip to Italy needed. I think listening Italian music and watching Italian Television could also helps here a lot.
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I have tried to learn Italian but I did not do such a good job with the pronuciation. I think that French is easier to learn I have done a lot better learning French than Italian.
There is of course a big difference if you are living in Italy and learning the language then learning it while living in another country. But nevertheless it is a very beautiful language. My wife knows already speaking Italian very well and she starts this year by studying this language to be teacher for Italian and German. We well see how she will do it and if there is really a longer trip to Italy needed. I think listening Italian music and watching Italian Television could also helps here a lot.

That's an excellent point to be honest. When your living in a country and trying to learn a language it's a lot easier. Obviously the language is all around you and it's much easier to get it right and not just learn the actual language but the punctuation and grammer behind it aswell.
I've a couple of friends that were native English speaker and they struggled quite a lot and they still struggle to learn italian. It's quite hard in my opionin to be able to write/speak it correctly for someone that comes from English. A lot easier can be for a spanish speakers or protuguese ones for example.
In England the main languages people decide to learn are Spanish and French. German is becoming slightly more popular aswell these days, but it seems as though Italian isn't at the top of people's lists.

I don't know if that's because its so hard to learn and get right, or if it's because its just not advertised as much as all the others.
In England the main languages people decide to learn are Spanish and French. German is becoming slightly more popular aswell these days, but it seems as though Italian isn't at the top of people's lists.

I don't know if that's because its so hard to learn and get right, or if it's because its just not advertised as much as all the others.
Well, I think that in a foreign country it also depends on the consistency of the ethnicities that are present in the country. If italian is widely spoken and for eample Spanish is this mean that there are surely way more spanish speaker than italian ones.
I think I would do good at learning Italian because I am an English speaking and have basic to moderate comprehension of Spanish. Italian has a mixture of both which would make it a bit easier to learn.
I think the best way to find out would be to try. It might sound obvious but a lot of people when going to a foreign country won't even attempt to learn the basics, and while it doesn't really matter, I think the locals appreciate the fact you have made a bit of an effort at least.
Learning to use Italian is slightly different. I would recommend listening to films to see how people actually converse as it is different from the classroom. People can use shortened version of words, or a single word with intonation like 'permesso' which really means, 'I'm coming through so be careful'. You hear that a lot in markets or a busy street.

These are things you pick up when you live there or spend a lot of time in Italy, and discover what Italians really mean when they say something.
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Learning the language and then learning how to actually use it are two entirely different things. I think that can be said for a lot of different languages and just because your fluent in it, doesn't necessarily mean you can hold a full conversation in it on a lot of occasions.
Conversational use of a language versus academic use is very different. You will find your academic Italian (as I found) not that useful in rural parts of Italy where older folks may not have been educated and use very colloquial language. I learned quickly that colloquial language is more useful and is Italians find it more favorable.

I also speak another language (that of my parents origin) but I can't write it, but I know colloquial phrases and what they mean. So someone who may have studied the language and have a degree in it (and write it) can never have what I know, the conversational knowledge and use of intonation.
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And that's why I think when it comes to learning a language, there's only so much you can learn from the actual courses, and while I know it's an entirely different language altogether, I know somebody who went to live in Spain a few years ago and he didn't know one word of Spanish.

Now, 2 years later he's fluent in it and can hold full blown conversation's if he needs to, and all he's had is a basic course. The rest he's just learned and picked up as he's gone along.
I've been learning Italian at my university since the beginning of 2013. It's my second foreign language. The first one is English, which I'm pretty familiar with, as I'm an English speaker for like 10 years now. As far as Italian is concerned, I still gotta hell to pay when it comes to conjugation. In English there are only 2 ways the verb can change: I do, he does. And I'm so much happy about this fact. But in Italian the number is 6, like in Russian. And it drives me crazy. Aslo, I'd say conjunction is a pretty complicated thing. A flood of different options.
Itаliаn is nоt rеаlly thаt еаsy. It is а lаnguаgе with sоmе vеry uniquе grаmmаtiсаl struсturеs thаt mаkе gеtting stаrtеd with thе lаnguаgе а littlе diffiсult (suсh аs аll thе diffеrеnt dеfinitе аrtiсlеs—il, lе, i, gli, lа—аnd аll оf thеir соmbinаtiоns with prеpоsitiоns—dеllа, dеgli, аllе, аi, еtс.). I wоuld sаy thаt it is а mоrе diffiсult lаnguаgе tо lеаrn thаn Spаnish in bоth grаmmаr аnd prоnunсiаtiоn, аnd mоrе diffiсult thаn Frеnсh in grаmmаr. Itаliаn prоnunсiаtiоn is fаirly simplе аnd nеаrly phоnеtiс, yеt nоt аs phоnеtiс аs Spаnish.
Itаliаn is nоt rеаlly thаt еаsy. It is а lаnguаgе with sоmе vеry uniquе grаmmаtiсаl struсturеs thаt mаkе gеtting stаrtеd with thе lаnguаgе а littlе diffiсult (suсh аs аll thе diffеrеnt dеfinitе аrtiсlеs—il, lе, i, gli, lа—аnd аll оf thеir соmbinаtiоns with prеpоsitiоns—dеllа, dеgli, аllе, аi, еtс.). I wоuld sаy thаt it is а mоrе diffiсult lаnguаgе tо lеаrn thаn Spаnish in bоth grаmmаr аnd prоnunсiаtiоn, аnd mоrе diffiсult thаn Frеnсh in grаmmаr. Itаliаn prоnunсiаtiоn is fаirly simplе аnd nеаrly phоnеtiс, yеt nоt аs phоnеtiс аs Spаnish.

Hоwеvеr, if yоu hаvе аny knоwlеdgе оf Spаnish оr Frеnсh (оr еvеn Pоrtuguеsе оr аnоthеr Rоmаnсе lаnguаgе), Itаliаn will bе а lоt еаsiеr fоr yоu tо lеаrn. Mоst оf thе wеird grаmmаr rulеs оf Itаliаn аrе similаr tо rulеs in Spаnish оr Frеnсh (likе thе diffеrеnt аuxiliаry vеrbs in Frеnсh), sо yоu will bе prеpаrеd fоr thоsе. It аlsо just dеpеnds оn hоw аwаrе yоu аrе оf diffеrеnt grаmmаr rulеs in yоur оwn lаnguаgе. If yоu knоw аny оthеr lаnguаgеs аt аll, it will bе thаt muсh еаsiеr tо lеаrn nеw rulеs.
Thе biggеst hurdlе (in my оpiniоn) with Lаtin lаnguаgеs is соnjugаting vеrbs. In еnglish wе dоn't rеаlly hаvе tо dо this, sо it is prоbаbly thе mоst diffiсult thing tо lеаrn with Lаtin lаnguаgеs. Thаt sаid, yоu саn "соmmuniсаtе" еvеn соnjugаting vеry pооrly. In Spаnish, fоr еxаmplе, if yоu sаy simply thе prоnоun + thе infinitivе оf а wоrd (i.е. Yо tеnеr), it соuld bе undеrstооd, thоugh it wоuld bе undеrstооd thаt yоu hаvе а vеry pооr соmmаnd оf Spаnish. In Itаliаn, my guеss is it wоuld bе similаr.