

Community Member
Jul 11, 2013
One of my best friends is going to study abroad at University of Bologna next academic year (she's going in October) and I've decided I want to go and visit her as much as possible, seeing as Ryanair flights from the Uk to Bologna are all pretty cheap. Obviously I will be spending a lot of time with her, but what else do you recommend in the area? Are there any places I MUST go? Local dishes I should try? I want to try and make the most of my trip, rather than simply doing typical student-y things just because we're friends from university, to the detriment of experiencing the local culture.
Well, you're in luck! Here's an 'inside link' about Bologna and what to visit :)

I've never been there myself but I remembered that the portal here has lots of interesting articles about different cities and places :D

Most Italian cities are renown for the Churches, buildings, museums (each Italian museum has something interesting that makes the visit worthwhile) and, of course what else, food!
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Bologna can be a really buzzing city and has the oldest university in Europe so outside of the summer months there is a lot to do for students.

From what I recall, the via Zamboni (spelling?) area has quite a few bars / clubs and always came alive at weekends.

There is a big market held every Saturday if you want to do some shopping.

You should also see if there are any events taking place at the Bologna fiera during the time that you visit.

Remember, that Bologna has really good connections with other Italian cities through the rail network and some are on the high speed trains route.

Although Bologna is not located by the sea, Rimini is just a short train ride away if you visit during the summer months.
Thanks for the great suggestions guys! I'll be sure to bookmark that link, Rosie. :) I've just had a quick read and it's got lots of good information - I particularly like the sound of the museum of music!

I like the sound of the market - I much prefer shopping at markets when I go abroad and I am more than likely to be there on a Saturday.
Welcome to my home city :D
You can read the excellent link by Rosie.

About what to eat:


Tortellini in brodo (I don't care if you come in august you have to eat them "in brodo" also if there are 40° degree :P)


Tagliatelle al ragù


Primi piatti:

Crescentine e tigelle

Cotoletta alla Bolognese


Panna Cotta

Welcome to my home city :D
You can read the excellent link by Rosie.

About what to eat:


Tortellini in brodo (I don't care if you come in august you have to eat them "in brodo" also if there are 40° degree :p)


Tagliatelle al ragù


Primi piatti:

Crescentine e tigelle

Cotoletta alla Bolognese


Panna Cotta


I will be sure to follow through on some of those suggestions - tortellini and lasagne are my favourite pasta dishes! What exactly is crescentine e tigelle, may I ask?

Tigelle are a type of bread made on the mountains around Modena and they are usually filled with some of the above cold meats and cheeses from the local area (though traditionally they were filled with a paste made with lardo, garlic and rosemary, known as pesto).

Crescentina is a delicious “fried dough” that is always served with cold meats and cheeses. There are many recipes for it, in fact I think almost every family has their own version.
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Tigelle are a type of bread made on the mountains around Modena and they are usually filled with some of the above cold meats and cheeses from the local area (though traditionally they were filled with a paste made with lardo, garlic and rosemary, known as pesto).

Crescentina is a delicious “fried dough” that is always served with cold meats and cheeses. There are many recipes for it, in fact I think almost every family has their own version.

Those look delicious, particularly the crescentine! I'll definitely need to sample them when I'm over there. :)
Usually you can eat them alone (just tigelle and crescentine) for around 20€ or if you want to eat something more you can eat a pasta before.

Let me know fi you enjoy them ;)