It makes me really sad to hear about the mess Italy is in. I don't really understand how economics and politics work, and it seems crazy that the day to day living standards of ordinary people are controlled by banks, big companies and international financial markets.
I read the other day in Italia magazine some quotes from The Spectator regarding Italy:
"Italy's inevitable demise is a foregone conclusion. The country is just too much of a basket case to even think about. Italy is the dying man of Europe" The Italia journalist agreed "the macro-economic facts are just too awful to contemplate. The whole system faces inevitable collapse"
I don't really know what that means in terms of what will happen to the country and the people, but the figures are not good. 43% youth unemployment and national debt is 135% of GDP, the third highest in the world after Japan and Greece.
It's quite distressing to read these things about a country I have come to love dearly. One of the things I love about Italy is that there are so many small independent business producing local food, local shops, wine, artisanal produce, and there are very few huge chains and indentikit supermarket shops and branded restaurants. What I fear will happen is that big international companies will become more dominant and it will become more globalised and less unique and distinct, and that the famous quality of Italian produce will be compromised by making things cheaper.
The EU has indeed not worked well for small business, the EU favours big companies, wanting to make Europe more like America (shudder!) and making regulations and taxes for small business harder and harder. I owned my own restaurant for 4 years and I made enough money to survive but it was hard to make a good living, there are so many costs for small businesses here in the UK too that make it hard.
There has been a bad financial crisis in the UK too, and although the economy is recovering, people are still feeling the pinch of austerity and slow growth. In Italy it seems to be far worse. The Euro has not worked for them, in fact only Germany seems to have done well out of the Euro and the EU....
Is the Euro to blame though? Financial problems seem to be all over the world, America has huge debts, so does Japan, even China's rise is stalling. Maybe it's not the EU or the Euro, maybe Capitalism has failed.
There is a movement in the UK to leave the EU too, led by a largely rascist party of idiots called UKIP. They, and many others it seems, blame immigration for our troubles, but that has nothing to do with it. I think free movement is a good thing, 2 million Britons live in other European countries, 2.2 million Europeans live here, no problem, they work hard and are mostly good people. I think it is important to have close ties with our European neighbours, and don't forget we have had peace in Europe since 1945, people should be careful what they wish for. However I do agree that the EU is not working for people, the centralised bureaucracy from Brussels is the problem and the EU needs to change or collapse and start over, maybe scrapping the Euro. Regulations and laws from the bureaucrats in Brussels do not work well for ordinary people, in my opinion we need to stay closely tied to each other, with free movement, but have control of our own laws and infastructure, because we are all different, we can't pretend to be a United States of Europe, our economies, our societies are all different.