Why Isn't Еurоpе Hеlping Itаly With Thе Immigrаtiоn Сrisis?

Аt this pоint thе "сrisis" invоlvеs аbоut 100,000 pеоplе, mаny оf thеm еduсаtеd аnd mоst оf thеm mоtivаtеd tо stаrt оvеr. Thаt wоuld mеаn thаt аn аvеrаgе оf lеss thаn 4,000 wоuld hеаd tо еасh оf thе 28 еurоpеаn stаtеs.
My smаllish US stаtе, Minnеsоtа, hаs аbsоrbеd 25,000 Sоmаli immigrаnts in thе lаst dесаdе аnd а hаlf. Thеrе аrе аlrеаdy kеy Sоmаli's in thе соmmunity аnd yеs, а numbеr whо hаvе rеturnеd tо fight with IS оr аl-Shаbаb. Sоmаli аmеriсаn. Thе sаmе stаtе аbsоrbеd аbоut 7,000 Hmоng аftеr thе Viеtnаm Wаr, аgаin withоut mаjоr prоblеms.
аs fаr аs I аm аwаrе, thеrе hаs nеvеr bееn а mаjоr аnti-immigrаnt mоvеmеnt in my stаtе оf 5 milliоn pеоplе аnd nо pоlitiсiаns hаvе dеmаgоguеd thе immigrаtiоn issuе thе wаy еurоpеаn pоlitiсiаns аrе in plасеs likе Frаnсе, Nеthеrlаnds, оr thе UK.
Thеsе аrе immigrаnts еsсаping Nоrth аfriса аnd thе IS butсhеrs. Thеy аrе nоt pеrсеivеd аs giving аny аddеd vаluе tо thе соuntriеs thеy аrе аsking аsylum. Thеy аrе numеrоus, еxtrеmеly pооr, with zеrо quаlifiсаtiоns аnd rеquiring urgеnt mеdiсаl аssistаnсе: giving thеm а sаfе hаrbоr is оbviоusly thе right thing tо dо but аll оf thеsе еlеmеnts mаkе giving аssistаnсе tо thеm аn еxpеnsivе еxеrсisе thаt аt this stаgе thе оthеr еurоpеаn соuntriеs аrе nоt willing tо pаy.
Thеy prеfеr tо turn thе blind еyе аnd tо lеаvе Itаly аlоnе, аnd find еxсusеs in оrdеr tо сlоsе thе frоntiеrs аnd nоt tо аllоw thеsе immigrаnts tо sprеаd асrоss еurоpе.
I'm not sure what country you are from @JimGoodman but there is a difference between immigrants and refugees. Europe takes in both, and once refugees get citizenship of the country they arrive in, they can then live elsewhere in Europe.

The problem is money, terrorism, and also people trafficking. It's become a black market, and countries such as Greece and Italy that have ports end up having to take in more people than they can cope with. It affects the domestic budgets, and also the cultural fabric of the towns that the refugees or immigrants live in.

With the recent attacks on various places in Europe, each country must look after the safety of their own citizens as well as try to help those who are truly in need. Sadly, some are from criminal gangs and cause more issues for the host country. When that happens, you can't blame them for cutting back on aid.
I have a hard time following politics and news in my own country let along that of others. It seems like a very interesting situation though, and maybe I should read a little more into it now.
Well, what can I say? As you mentioned, it can be politics, it can be money, it can be everything. These days it's hard to really care about people, as wars are made for financial reasons, and countries fear that too many refugees might disrupt countries receiving them. Meanwhile those people keep living in sub-human conditions. Can it get any worse than this?
I'm not sure what country you are from @JimGoodman but there is a difference between immigrants and refugees. Europe takes in both, and once refugees get citizenship of the country they arrive in, they can then live elsewhere in Europe.

The problem is money, terrorism, and also people trafficking. It's become a black market, and countries such as Greece and Italy that have ports end up having to take in more people than they can cope with. It affects the domestic budgets, and also the cultural fabric of the towns that the refugees or immigrants live in.

With the recent attacks on various places in Europe, each country must look after the safety of their own citizens as well as try to help those who are truly in need. Sadly, some are from criminal gangs and cause more issues for the host country. When that happens, you can't blame them for cutting back on aid.
I agree @Gabe, Some issues like immigrants and refugees are to be handled by the respective countries individually. Most European countries are inundated by refugees themselves and are too focused on solving their own immigration problems to be of much help to Italy or any other country. I'm from Kenya and my country shares a boarder with Somalia. Our military is there to help fight the Al Shabaab and Somali immigrants and refugees are flocking in our country. The government tried to close some refugee camps and deport the immigrants but they were highly criticized by the African Union and other countries. However, these countries won't accept immigrants in their own jurisdiction.
Well, it's really easy to criticize if we are not accepting any immigrants either, but the case here is not about immigrants I believe, but migrants who don't have a country anymore, as the one they were living in is being devastated by war. It's a matter of human solidarity, but apparently there isn't such thing anymore in this world.
There seems to be a lot of people that are criticising countries such as the UK that have only said they will accept a certain amount of refugees, but I think the criticism is unjust. Lets not forget that at the moment the UK is struggling to cope with the people we already have here, and the health service, housing and education system is already breaking under the pressure. What's accepting another 50 or 100 thousand people going to do?

For any country I would have thought that the main priority should be to do whats best for the good of it's own people, and that doesn't just go for the UK but for every other country including Italy. A refugee used to be classed a person that sought refuge because they are being persecuted and escaped to the nearest safe country. Lots of these people have crossed many safe countries just because they want a better life in Europe, so aren't refugees at all and need to be dealt with just like every other immigrant would be and processed in the same way.