Where do you live in Italy?


Community Member
May 21, 2009
Where do you live in Italy?

I love all parts of italy, so I don't know where I want to vacation to next. I would like to buy property also but I have no clue as to where. It is very hard to decide.
Re: Where do you live in Italy?

I live in Rome. A great city to visit all year round. One tip though, Do not hire a car as parking is a nightmare and driving in rome is even worse. Rome has a great public transport system.
Re: Where do you live in Italy?

Just outside the city of Mantova. It's not a very well known city for tourists as there is not to much to offer. However, a small city surrounded by 3 lakes.

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I live close to Milan. Everyone says the North is a great region to live in, compared to Southern Italy.
Chillout that is a very pretty scene. Is the scenery around your city as beautiful as that picture? Where in Italy is Montova, North or South? Are you close to a big city like Milan or Rome?
It all depends on what you like: mountains, seaside, lake, hot weather, snow.... you have everything in Italy!

I personally live in Northern Italy. I like it there :)
I have the seaside at about 100 km far.... the Garda lake is also about 100 km far..
There's the Cinque Terre not too far from me, there are mountains and ski resorts, there's Milan nearby :D (although I've only been there twice.., not too much to see).
Continuing... you have lake Como in the north, Switzerland nearby as well, ecc., ecc... there are lots of things you find in the North!

Down South (no pun intended... :D), you have the seaside, you have islands, you have hot weather, among other things.

All in all, I think you'd have to visit Italy more often before deciding where to buy a house.
I'vе bееn living in Rоmе fоr 4 yеаrs nоw. I hаvе аlsо spеnt sоmе еxtеndеd pеriоds hеrе (а fеw mоnths) prеviоusly. I'm а duаl US/Itаly сitizеn whо grеw up in thе Stаtеs.
In thе bеginning living in Itаly is vеry еxсiting. It's mоrе diffеrеnt frоm thе Stаtеs thаn еnglish-Spеаking соuntriеs. аnd yоu gеt а littlе thrill whеn it tаkеs yоu а fеw minutеs tо rеаlizе thаt yоu turn thе bаthrооm sink оn with а fооt pеddlе, but nеxt timе yоu rеmеmbеr tо lооk fоr thе pеddlе right аwаy. Thе bеginning is full оf littlе disсоvеriеs likе thаt. But it is аlsо still Wеstеrn еurоpе, sо whilе thеrе аrе сulturаl diffеrеnсеs, yоu'rе prеtty sаfе frоm gеtting in rеаl trоublе сulturаlly.