What Tv Shows Do You Watch In Italy?


Community Member
Aug 9, 2013
I was wondering if you get any of the same shows that we get in the states? Or are there shows that are exclusive to Italy or Europe?

We watch things like the Foodnetwork channel, Home and Garden TV, and series that start in the Fall. My daughter and I really like a new Sherlock Holmes series that started last year starring Johnny Miller - I believe he is from London. My husband and I like a show called Person of Interest and he, my son and I watch CSI (Crime Scene Investigators) - not a reality show - a drama.

We also watch - a couple times a year - The Amazing Race - where people race all over the world - usually in teams of two - to win a million dollars.

So, just curious - what is on TV in Italy? Reality shows? Dramas? Series that are made and filmed in Italy? Or do the shows that air here in the US air there too? Thanks! :)
Hmm.. I don't watch that much TV. In fact, I almost never watch it, it's usually on in the background, I pay no attention to it :D

But, I do know that on Italian TV there are both Italian shows and American shows. Variety is good :D

As far as Italian shows go, they have everything: from stand up comedy to shows where politicians come and yell like idiots. Italians even have this show where 2 people come in front of the cameras to fight each other and there's a judge who decides who is right and who is wrong (and usually they're both wrong, normal people fight n their own home not on TV).

So, yeah, Italians have a lot of shows, some are original, some are cheap copies after other shows previously 'invented'.

Then, there are the American shows, translated in Italian.
Like, "How it's made" or "Top Gear", or others.
American shows are available pretty much everywhere nowadays. Not all of them, but a lot of them.
When it comes to Italian shows, I used to love "Don Matteo". It was a murder mystery show, with a cute priest as a protagonist. It was pretty entertaining and the mysteries were quite decent.
Polish TV bought the licence and made their own version, called "Ojciec Mateusz" ("Father Mateusz"), I think the show had some more foreign versions made as well.
Well, it sounds like you have the same type of variety as we do here in the US. I had no idea that you could get some of the same shows that we get here. :) My brother-in-law is from Norn Iron (Northern Ireland) and he talks about Top Gear - apparently it is pretty good? I've never seen it. What is it about anyway? LOL :)

I love Murder Mysteries!! I almost always watch the Agatha Christie ones they have on PBS here. They also did a Sherlock Holmes with Cumberbatch - can't think of his first name. But he plays Sherlock and my daughter and I just love him in that role!! We heard they filmed a second season and we are very excited!!! Do you get that one there? We also watch the version that started last year with Johnny Miller as Sherlock - we enjoy that one quite a bit too.

I will have to ask my brother-in-law if he has heard of Don Matteo. He and my sis also like murder mysteries.

It sounds like we watch a lot of TV - and I suppose we do. But in the winter here it gets dark at 5PM and it is too cold most of the time to do anything outside - unless it is skiing or something like that. I do ski - cross country - but pretty tough to be active outside when it is dark!! LOL
Oh yes, variety is the key word :D There are shows that I truly hope they will cancel, and there are shows that, whenever I have the TV on I can't help but stick my face to the screen :D For instance, "Cosi fan tutte" is extremely funny! At first I thought it was just another stupid show, I saw Alessia Marcuzzi fooling around on TV and thought "what a waste of time", but when you actually watch it, you laugh your ass off!!

As for Top Gear, it's something about cars. I don't really watch it but it's a great show, if you're into cars &stuff.

Here's a short video from one of their episodes:

That was actually pretty cool! I loved that they had tractors in it too! LOL I can see why my son thinks it is good. I'm not really into cars but he sure is!

Ok, call me nerdy - but I love listening to British accents! Of course we in the US don't think we have accents!!! LOL But the way they say certain words is just cool! They make ordinary words sound fun! See - I did tell you I was nerdy!! LOL

Yes, we have a lot of waste of time show here too. Makes you wonder who thinks these things up and then who actually watches some of the "garbage" they put on TV!! LOL

Hope your day is going/went well today! It is supposed to be hot here again. In the 90's. Probably not hot to some but too hot for us! We also have about 15 wildfires currently burning around our area. Smoke gives me a headache. :(
Oh gosh... I'm so sorry, @mommy42, I read about the wildfires on the net these days, there are quite a lot of them. I hope they will be able to put them off soon, I can't even imagine how it must be like to breathe all that smoke :(

Oh, and as far as the 'garbage shows' go, there are plenty of people who enjoy them.. unfortunately. That's why they keep making them, I imagine.
My opinion, we are too smart to accept wasting our time with those :D Am I right?
Heehee! Yes, you are right! About not watching garbage shows! I just shake my head and wonder what is next!! :-0

The last couple of days have been really smoky and hazy here. For the most part it isn't hard to breathe - at least for me. But, I can imagine that there are some with asthma and the elderly that would have issues.

My Dad (who is 80) has been having headaches - daily - for weeks now. :( I think it is a combination of allergies and the smoke. He is taking stuff for it but no relief yet. :(

At night, with the windows open, and the fans in them, you can really smell the smoke. What is kind of scary is that it continues to be hot without any rain. And, yesterday, it got windy in the afternoon. We are praying for relief!

Thanks so much for your concern!!! :)
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