Venice - The Journey Of My Life

Miles Hansen

Community Member
Dec 7, 2014
Copenhagen, Denmark
When I went to Italy with a couple of friends a year ago, it was just to go camping and occasionally go sightseeing. We lived somewhat close to Venice, but I was adamant about not going for some unknown reason, probably my usual stubborness. One of my friends has been to Italy 19 times, and speaks the language fluently, and she insisted every day for 4 days that we had to go, and on the 4th day I finally yielded.

I thank that friend every time we talk about the trip, because Venice: Wow. I've never seen a more beautiful place in my life. It was boiling hot, and it wasn't a public holiday, so it wasn't overflowing with tourists. It gave us a chance to explore the nooks and crannies we stumbled upon. When we had to take the boat back later that same day I almost wanted to cry. We didn't have enough money for a hotel but I didn't for the life of me want to go back to the campsite and spend the rest of my holiday there when such a magical place was nearby. We ended up taking the ferry back the next day, but it still wasn't enough for me.

I'm going again next year if I can scrape the money together, and I recommend everyone who has the chance to visit to do so, especially out of season, as I imagine it will probably be a bit tourist-ey during the summer.
Your friend did the right thing to insist on it so bad :P And you did the right thing listening to her! hahah!
Where did you go in Venice, what did you see while you were there?

I went just a few month ago and only stayed from morning 'till evening, and to be honest I was also amazed by how "wow" the place is! I have seen Venice in pictures and have read a lot about it and I knew it was an interesting place that everyone should visit at least once in their lifetime, but I never expected to like it that much! There is just something about Venice that cannot be explained, it's so amazing to actually be there and see it with our own eyes.

By the way, I read about virtual trips around the world and how scientists are working on some projects, that will allow you to visit many places from home (like, a virtual trip from your computer), but after seeing Venice, I can honestly tell you I would prefer to make the effort to go see places with my own eyes and physically be there, rather than use technology to "visit" the world :) :)
Your friend did the right thing to insist on it so bad :p And you did the right thing listening to her! hahah!
Where did you go in Venice, what did you see while you were there?

We started out with all the tourist-y stuff like Piazza San Marco and the Grand Canal as well as some museums, but what really drew me was the feel of the city you know? The quaint little streets and back alleys, and the little cafés with their old fashioned interiors and ridicolously small chairs (ever notice that? Their chairs are tiny compared to almost everywhere else I've ever been.

By the way, I read about virtual trips around the world and how scientists are working on some projects, that will allow you to visit many places from home (like, a virtual trip from your computer), but after seeing Venice, I can honestly tell you I would prefer to make the effort to go see places with my own eyes and physically be there, rather than use technology to "visit" the world :):)
It definitely wouldn't be the same, although I think it's great that they're reasearching this! I would definitely rather be there myself, but just imagine being able to visit almost everywhere in the world in a couple of days! Incredible.
I can not imagine a virtual trip doing justice to a city like Venice. It is truly a beautiful and a amazing city that needs to be soaked up in person. You need to breathe the air and eat the food and be submerged. However, I can imagine the concept being popular among people who may not be able to afford to ever take a trip to Venice otherwise. I can also wee the practicality of a virtual trip prior to an actual visit, so that you know not to miss out on anything and also you can time out how long touring and visiting each place may take.
Of all the places in Italy I want to see Venice is up there with the likes of Rome. So many people know of the history behind the Roman Empire and so few remember that Venice had a trade empire of its own that rivaled and possibly surpassed that of the Hanseatic League in the North. All the history that has occurred in Venice...