The Great Beauty (2013 Italian Movie) Stills


Community Member
Oct 12, 2015



wow that is interesting! Is this a movie and where did you get the stills from? I love movie sets and it would be fantastic to watch them filming sometimes, except for the running naked scenes I might give those a miss.
wow that is interesting! Is this a movie and where did you get the stills from? I love movie sets and it would be fantastic to watch them filming sometimes, except for the running naked scenes I might give those a miss.

Yes! It is Paolo Sorrentino's La grande bellezza (2013). Such a great italian film, a little bit hard on the mind and a longer one but the stills and photographic side of the movie is beautiful.
Interesting and thank you for sharing it with us, we don't hear about these movies in South Africa and when looking online it is very difficult to find things to watch in Italian
These stills are really amazing. Makes me want to watch the movie. It may be straight Italian speaking though and I'm not a fan of subtitles.
I absolutely loved this movie, it was so well made! My favorite quote from the movie was probably this one: "Quando sono arrivato a Roma, a 26 anni, sono precipitato abbastanza presto, quasi senza rendermene conto, in quello che si potrebbe definire il vortice della mondanità; ma io non volevo essere semplicemente un mondano, volevo diventare il Re dei mondani. E ci sono riuscito. Io non volevo solo partecipare alle feste, volevo avere il potere di farle fallire." I think this quote alone said a lot about the character.