San Remo - Italian Music Festival


Community Member
Sep 10, 2007
Mantova, Italy
For the first time in it's 65 year old history, the director of Rai 1 has said that this year event will make a profit rather than loosing taxpayers money.

This year's festival will cost 18 million euros, but will rake in 20.2 million Euros in advertising.

Rai 1 Director also said, "We will make 2.2 million euros, plus 600,000 euros in ticket sales," for the festival which runs from the 18th - 22nd February.

This is a very nice song :)

They've been talking about San Remo on the news yesterday, on a TV show, and it seems people are paying a lot of money to go see the show. No wonder they'll make a profit, someone said they paid almost or over (can't remember exactly) 6,000 euros for 5 nights... well, talk about economic crisis :D
Well it’s that time of year again for the San Remo musical festival which starts tonight and can be viewed live on Italian TV channel Rai 1.

Some of the most well known Italian artists such as Giusy Ferreri, Fabrizio Moro, Elodie, Lodovica Comello, Fiorella Mannoia, Alessio Bernabei, Al Bano, Samuel, Ron, Clementino and Ermal Meta will be performing on the stage tonight.
I rеmеmbеr thе timеs, whеn sоmе wоrld-widе pоpulаr аrtists wеrе mаking а nаmе fоr it nоt оnly in Itаliа, but in thе wоrld аs wеll. Thоsе wеrе Tоtо сutugnо , аl Bаnо & Rоminа Pоwеr , еrоs Rаmаzzоtti — nаmеs knоwn tо mаny in mаny соuntriеs, аnd thеir nаmеs wеrе аssосiаtеd with Sаnrеmо. Nоw it mаy bе nоt thаt fаmоus, but in mаny соuntriеs mаturе pеоplе, whо rеmеmbеr thе timеs, still rеmеmbеr thе nаmе аnd winnеrs оf thаt fеstivаl.