Researcher Salary


New Member
Jan 16, 2011
Dear all,
I am in discussions about a research job at a university in north Italy. The salary offered is 1400 Euro per month after tax. Is this a reasonable wage for a research job in Italy? I understand the cost of living is lower than in the UK. Is it possible to live comfortably on this income without getting into financial difficulties? I am a single person with no dependants, and would be prepared to live in a shared house in order to improve my Italian language skills.
Thank you.
It all depends on what city you are living in and how much you pay in accomodation fees. 1400 euros after tax will be around 1900 euros before tax so I guess it is not too bad. It also depends on what type of contact you have. Will there be holiday pay? 13th and 14th month pay checks? Holiday and sick pay?

As a single person you could live on this income and could be considered average wage for northern Italy.

Sounds an intersting job. Hope it works out for you. :)
Thanks for your reply. Looks like the pay offered is the going rate. Is 13th and 14th month pay different to holiday pay? Is it usually offered for university research positions? Is it less likely to be offered for a 12-month or 6-month contract? Thanks again.
13th and 14th month pay is just that (an extra pay slip) but have never really understood why they are called this. 13th month pay is paid just before Christmas (20th Dec etc) and 14th month is usually paid in July. If you have worked a full year you can expect the same sum as a normal month pay for the 13th and 14th month. If you have worked less than a year then this is usually calculated on how many months you have worked in the last year. Most companies pay the 13th pay but not all pay the 14th.

2) Holiday Pay is something different to 13th and 14th month pay. Sick pay is normally 100% of the normal daily rate. The first 3 days your employer will pay and the rest INPS (government) will pay. (each time you are sick) A medical certificate is always required so you will need to register with a local doctor.
3) I am not sure what type of contract you will be offered for a research position so it's best to have someone read through it with you. Believe only what is written and not what people tell you.