Remembrance Sunday In Abruzzo


New Member
Nov 12, 2014
Palombaro, Chieti,Abruzzo
More than 50 britts turned up at the Sangro Commonwealth War Graves cemetery, including one family who had travelled from Cornwall to honour a father buried there. This year the service was held under the aegis of The Italy Star association, and their chaplain, V.Rev Dr Chandler, Dean emeritus, conducted the service, and the subsequent wreath laying. After the ceremony, an informal lunch was held at "Il Buccaniero" in Piana di Casoli, where the poignancy of the formal ceremony was tempered by good food, & good fellowship.
Guys, we need to start a Royal British Legion branch for Italy. There are over 30,000 Commonwealth and allied soldiers who were killed here, and unlike the rest of Europe we have no branch here. First off, we need volunteers to form a committee.........
If you would be able to assist, please contact me