I feel somewhat sad on how Italy is now being populated by foreign immigrants whether legally or illegally and it seems that this flood of people coming there is unending. Each year roughly 300,000 immigrants are landing on its shores not counting those that are going there illegally and this would be the equivalent of 1,600,000 immigrants coming to America's shores each year. Why are they allowing this? Don't they realize that if this continues Italians will eventually become minorities in their own land. Italy is not a land of immigrants like the United States, Canada, Australia, or Argentina are. I am not preaching bias against any people trying to improve their lives but Italy should be for Italians, like France should be for the French, and Germany for Germans, and England for the English. Some are making the excuse that the native Italians are not having children so immigrants are needed which is ludicrous. The government there should encourage their own people to have children and put a halt to immigrants coming in droves there. One day they will wake up when they are intimidated in their own land and say what have we done. People should write and protest to the Italian government to put a halt to this. This is comparable to the barbarian invasions of 1500 years ago, however back then they came as military conquerors but today they are overrunning the land without lifting a sword.