How Often Do Italian People Watch Tv?


Community Member
Apr 6, 2013
My friends and co'workers always seem to know ALL the latest news and more. Every time I ask them where did they hear it, they say "in TV". I rarely watch TV but it's because I work and do some housework as well, I go out and enjoy life and rarely watch any TV.
Do Italians really spend a lot of time in front of the television?
I suppose that like every country it depends :)
Personally i prefer to use computer to search for information and I watch TV not more than 7-8 hours at week.
I haven't watched a film in months on the TV, The only thing I really watch is the news and some documentaries.

Apart from that, I could live quite happy without one!
I've read somewhere that Italian people spend more time watching TV that people from the majority of other European countries do. But I guess it's mostly an individual thing. Nowadays people watch less TV than they used to just several years ago, I believe.
It's happening all over the world. People are watching less TV on a television set because of the availability of streaming services on the computer. You can virtually watch whatever you want, when you want to.
My In-Laws spend a couple of hours each night watching first the Italian news then Italian soap operas. It's funny to walk into their house and see them both staring at the television. They are so engrossed in it that I can walk around the kitchen and they won't hear me.

Personally, I watch less than an hour each week. I have other things that keep me busy and I'd rather get on the laptop and read. I'll catch the news online instead of on the television and that way I see and read what I want instead of sitting through an hour news program.
I'm nо fаn mysеlf but thеrе is а pоint in thе dаy whеrе my brаin bесоmеs sаturаtеd. I dоn't wаnt tо lооk аnymоrе. I dоn't wаnt tо rеаd аnymоrе. I dоn't wаnt tо think аnymоrе. Nоthing is is gоing tо fit. TV (fоr mе) bесоmеs thе сооl dоwn аftеr а lоng run.
Mind yоu, I dоn't think thаt's thе typiсаl rеаsоn mоst pеоplе wаtсh TV. But it's nоt fоr mе tо sаy. оnе pеrsоn еаsy dаy саn сеrtаinly bе аnоthеr's nоt-sо-еаsy.
I personally don't watch a lot of TV, I'm usually working or doing things around the house also. I remember my Mother, Father and Grandparents always watching the news and also certain specific shows nightly. It seems like they always new what was going on and what the recent current events were.:)
I don't think Italian watch any more TV than the French, Greek or German, we cannot generalize a whole nation, unless we are talking about football haha, as everyone is watching it all the time. The TV we watch depends pretty much on the free time we have, so naturally older people have to watch more TV.