Gondola In Venice


Community Member
Nov 9, 2014
I've never actually done this, basically as I was traveling with a nightmare friend at the time, but I would like to try it.

Is it worth it, how much should it cost and what advice can you give? It does look fun and is one of the things that you can only do in Venice.
Yes, as a tourist you should try it once. It's best to negotiate the rate and get a flat number from your gondolier before you start your gondola experience. It's not cheap, so the more people you get to go on the ride with you, the better your value.
When I went to Venice, I chose not to go on a gondola ride for 2 reasons: 1. it was raining cats and dogs! and 2. it's so expensive! It costs about 80 euros to go on a short ride, of about 40 minutes. If you want a full hour, it will cost you €40 extra, and this is the day-ride! If you want to have the gondola experience at night (which of course, must be the most romantic thing in this whole world!), you'd have to pay €100 for a 40 minute "giro" of the Grand Canal. Or more, if you want more time.

@Regina Juno I didn't know you can actually negotiate a price before you get in. I always assumed they have enough clients, if not more than they can handle, so they would easily turn you down if you're not willing to pay. Personally, I've seen so many gondolas in the waters, and very few that were 'out of service'. In fact, I was laughing at one point, because it's pretty funny to see 2 gondolas almost bumping into each other, while trying to pass through the extra-extra narrow water spots between 2 buildings :D
I have seen people negotiate and know it depends on the time of day too whether they are busy or looking for business. Obviously when a tour group turns up, then that's the worst time to bargain, but I think to do it once would be good with someone to share that experience with whether it be a friend or partner. I was unfortunately with someone that I wouldn't have enjoyed the trip with so I knew it would have ruined the experience and wasted my money, so who you are with is important.

It's one of the things you will be able to say you have done. I know it won't be cheap, they have to make a living and dress up, but I wonder what the going rate is what is reasonable?
When I went to Venice, I chose not to go on a gondola ride for 2 reasons: 1. it was raining cats and dogs! and 2. it's so expensive! It costs about 80 euros to go on a short ride, of about 40 minutes. If you want a full hour, it will cost you €40 extra, and this is the day-ride! If you want to have the gondola experience at night (which of course, must be the most romantic thing in this whole world!), you'd have to pay €100 for a 40 minute "giro" of the Grand Canal. Or more, if you want more time.

@Regina Juno I didn't know you can actually negotiate a price before you get in. I always assumed they have enough clients, if not more than they can handle, so they would easily turn you down if you're not willing to pay. Personally, I've seen so many gondolas in the waters, and very few that were 'out of service'. In fact, I was laughing at one point, because it's pretty funny to see 2 gondolas almost bumping into each other, while trying to pass through the extra-extra narrow water spots between 2 buildings :D
Yes, negotiating is an option, but it's more for the purpose of making sure you have a set price, so that it doesn't change on you after the ride. I have heard of that happening to people as well. The gondola experience may seem a bit over rated, but on a good day it really can be very nice and scenic.
Gondola rides are a bit of a tourist trap really at 80 euros for a 40 minute ride but if you are only in Venice once it is something you may regret if you don't do it. The other point to remember is that gondolas are not used for transport so if you are planning to get somewhere on one you maybe out of luck. They operate as tourist mini cruises really.

There are similar vessels to gondolas called traghetti that cross the grand canal for 2 euros a ride.
Vеnеtiаn gоndоlа ridеs оn оur еyе саn lооk likе sо еxpеnsivе, but thеy аrе nоt rеаlly. Just bесаusе thе lоng prосеss tо сrеаtе а hаnd-mаdе gоndоlа bоаt аnd thе trаditiоn bеhind thе gоndоliеr, with thе hаrd wоrk thеsе guys dо еvеry dаy, I think 80 еurо fоr а 35 gоndоlа ridе is wоrth thе priсе.
Sо thе priсе, inсludе mаny fасtоrs likе:
- Thе hight priсе fоr а gоndоliеr tо purсhаsе а gоndоlа mоrе thаn 100k еurо
- Thе mоnthly/dаily mаintаining соst thе gоndоliеr nееd tо spеnd tо сlеаn аnd mаkе surе еvеrything lооks prеtty аnd niсеly.
- Thе gоndоliеr himsеlf :-)
Gоndоlа liсеnсе is vеry еxpеnsivе, аbоut 500k аnd thе Gоndоlа соuld соst up tо 100k. I suppоsе thаt’s why ridеs аrе sо еxpеnsivе. Lаst but nоt lеаst, thаt’s а dе fасtо mоnоpоly sо thеy sеt priсеs аs thеy prеfеr.
My parents were in Venice maybe 10 years ago and they did ride the gondola, and they loved it. I need to go there with my wife too, as I cannot imagine a more romantic place to be, even more today, Valentines! I imagine that the canals in the Valentines are filled with young couples expressing their love right? :)
I have been to Venice quite a few times as day trips but have never taking a gondola ride. Like others, the price puts me off but I guess one day I will do it just for the experience. It's also good reading the posts here explaining why the prices are so high.
Interesting comment you make right there @Chillout because many times the locals never take the touristic rides, even if they spend their whole life there or go there often, but a tourist that eventually goes there in a life-time does it immediately. The same happened to me in the Netherlands Venice (Amsterdam :)), I immediately took the boat trip in the canals, and many locals said they never did it.